March 21, 2018
Alpha Omega Academy School News
Updates & Reminders
Re-enrollment is now opened. The deadline to reenroll your child/children is Friday, March 30th. The early bird fee is $175 per child. After March 30th, it will be increased to $225 and your child’s spot will no longer be secured. If your child/children will NOT be returning, we still need you to start the process by clicking “Family Information”, then “Enrollment/Reenrollment”, and then “Will Not Reenroll”. MCALISTER’S DELI RESTAURANT
McCalister’s Deli Restaurant Night
Restaurant night for March will be at McAlister’s Deli on Tuesday March 27th from 5-10 pm. Tell them that you are with AOA and a portion of the proceeds will be given to our school.
Chess Club
There is a currently a Chess Club after school on Tuesdays. The club meets from about 3:15-5 and there is no cost to attend. If your child is interested in participating they need to have some basic knowledge of piece movement and rules of the game. The Chess Club meets in room 126.
BBQ Lunch Fundraiser
Earlier this year Sergeant Jose Valles was diagnosed with cancer. The Valles family is a part of the AOA family. Sgt. Valles is a 25 year veteran with Huntsville Police Department. On Friday, April 6th 2018 the Huntsville Police Department will host a BBQ Lunch Fundraiser to raise funds to assist Sgt. Valles and his family in this time of need. Please see the attached order form for more information on how to place your order.
3rd Quarter Secondary/Grammar Awards
Please join us in the gym on Thursday, March 22nd for our Secondary Awards (6th -12th grade) and on Friday, March 23rd for our Grammar Awards (1st -5 th grade) both at 8am. Students will be recognized for All A and A/B Honor Roll (no more than 2 Bs), Outstanding Examples (PK-5 th) and Heart of the Lion Awards (6th -12th).
Free Dress Day
This Thursday, March 29th, is free dress day for students that individually sold $100 or more in raffle tickets for the Banquet/Auction. Homeroom teachers have been given a list of students in their class that can participate. Please follow the guidelines for “Free Dress Day” found in our ParentStudent Handbook beginning on page 27.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available and confidential. If needed, please click on this link https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/455N2 and follow the instructions to complete the application. All applications are due May 25, 2018 and scholarships will be awarded in June. Families will be notified by phone or e-mail by July 1, 2018.
High School Cultural Event
We still have tickets available! “Amazing Grace” and dinner at Gaido’s in Galveston, April 14th. $80/person. $40 deposit due March 29th. Check email for more information. Contact Mrs. Van Roekel with any questions.
Will be Friday, April 27th . All High School, 9th -12th grades, are invited to attend the dance. Don’t hesitate to call or email with any questions at avanroekel@alphaomegaacademy.org.
Upcoming Events
March 22 – Secondary Awards at 8am
March 23 – Grammar Awards at 8am
March 23 – 5 th Grade Field Trip
March 27 – McAlister’s Deli Restaurant Night 5-10
March 29 – Free Dress for students that sold $100+ in Raffle Tickets
March 30 – School Holiday/Good Friday
April 3 – 12th Grade Field Trip
April 6 – Spirit Jean Day
April 13 – Pre K Special Texas Show 9am
April 27 – Protocol